Self Healing
Healing Trough The Brain.

I would like to introduce self healing, a product that is new on the market. It is well known that the brain is the central computer of any living organism. In it, all physical and spiritual processes are arising.

That is why I took a lot of time to create a technique which would make it possible to safely heal the whole organism. And what is most important is the fact that it is an individualized, inexpensive, and most effective method of healing. 

I have been producing healing boards from 1995.  After many scores of tests, I can announce that I elaborated the most effective individual technique of healing and I have decided to put it on the market.

This self healing procedure costs only 21 cents a day!

Jozef’s healing plates are the world’s revelation; they can heal not only your physical body but also your soul and the spirit of your guarding
souls. If you put bottled water on the plate, you will get water that has divine energy. When you put cream or ointment on the plate, they will become energized with divine energy; their effectiveness will be much greater.

Healing baths

From my photograph, you can gain divine energies that are accumulated in the water, which can be used either for drinking, cooking meals, or bathing. The miracle features of that water will be explained in more detail later on.

Caution! Do not use chlorinated water because it is practically poisoned water. Drinking it causes our hair to fall out and damages the nervous system, blood and bones. The spiritual transfer on that matter, you can find on my web site. 

Healing plates were first manufactured in my clinic, when so many people showed an interest in my healing. It was virtually impossible to help everyone, (I performed over two thousand one-hour operations in one month, using 10 beds!).

I wanted to help all my seriously ill patients, so I got the idea to produce healing plates. Health improvements in my patients who use healing plates are amazing and check-ups done after several years, show surprising long lasting effects.

Healing Photography

Divine energy which I transform through my hands is the important factor in healing. That’s right, not some energy from cosmos, but the true, divine energy.

Each photograph is carefully prepared by myself and is programmed individually to serve the person or animal that it was ordered for, to last for two years. Then, when the photograph has been laminated, it is ready to be installed in a hat.

Health bonuses:

1. The whole body is being healed, including bones, joints, and vertebral column
2. Boosts the immune system
3. Tranquilizes
4. It can stop many, even serious, illnesses
5. Prolongs lifetime
6. Can provide a calm sleep
7. Rejuvenates
8. Detoxifies (caused by improper nourishment)
9. Enhances assimilation and expulsion of the food
10. Cures sight and hearing
11. Improves intelligence and memory, what is valuable especially for students
12. Spiritualizes
13. It is a big help with menstrual pains and menopausal problems
14. Can practically help in all diseases of the head15. It considerably accelerates recuperation for rehabilitators

Generally, the effect will vary. By connecting spiritual healing with repaying for faults from previous incarnations, the most troublesome illnesses, (different for every person), will be removed.

For the best health benefits, it is advised to incorporate healing with honest, sincere prayer, (it is no good when you just say the words of prayer without feeling it, because it does not give any effect).

Using the Healing Hat


It is advised to have a careful approach toward the healing through the brain. I would recommend to start the healing by using the hat only a few minutes per day, for the first few days. Then, you can add minutes, but, I propose to heal through the brain, by using the hat, for no more than 30 minutes a day. That limit doesn’t concern another parts of the body. 

The best way of healing is to sit calmly, in a comfortable chair, just before sleeping, and light a candle. These are really strong energies, so I recommend setting an alarm next to you, just to make sure you will not fall asleep.

The TV should be turned off, however, you can listen to relaxing music, (but do not use hat with my
Active Spiritual Way meditation, at the same time, as the two combined is too strong).


In cases with severe heart diseases, I advise to let me do the procedures personally, from the distance.  Heart diseases are the smallest problems for me because within few weeks, I am capable of making significant improvement in your heart’s condition. In case you can not afford to be healed by me, you can do so by using the healing hat.

Brain diseases

The healing hat is especially recommended for persons after a stroke, Parkinson’s disease, sclerosis, epilepsy, psychological diseases, and for weak sight and hearing. It may prevent some people from having a stroke.

Weak sight

In these cases, it is advised to use caution and adjust your glasses to your new sight. You should not use your old glasses because they are going to be too strong and will disturb the progress in improving sight.

Often times the main cause of weakened sight, is the shortage of certain vitamins or changes in the structure of vertebral column. Remember, however, that the excess of vitamins causes more damages than a shortage. For my patients, I will quote the words that I have heard from the Lord:

...Jozef, show your patients that they should take two vitamin tablets per day for the period of 4-6 weeks at the end of autumn (November 1st to December 15th).

The same should be done at the end of the winter (February 1st to March 15th). In the autumn, it is necessary to prepare your body for the winter, and in the winter it is necessary to prepare your body for the spring. It is insufficient for our body to take the vitamins from meals only.

I propose to buy natural vitamins with minerals for that purpose.


The Healing Hat is very effective for headaches.  Although, oftentimes, the cause of headaches and problems with hearing and sight, are bad teeth. It is a mistake to clean your teeth with dental floss and/or toothpicks.

During that type of cleaning, you can damage your gums and cause bleeding. Then the bacteria are transferred by the gums, to connective tissue.  They simply damage teeth from the roots to the jaw bones. The teeth may look healthy from the outside but there is a problem inside of the gums, roots, and jaw bones, as there is a big shortage in connective tissue.

How to proceed

1. If you have shaky teeth, don’t wait until they ache and the bacteria eat your jaw bone.  Go, and without doubt, get rid of all defected teeth.
2. Brush teeth, with special focus on gums, with antibacterial tooth paste instead of the chemical ones. 

I know there is no toothpaste like that on the market yet. My family, some of my patients and myself use my toothpaste. It is homemade paste that I have been producing for three years. I assure you that there is no paste like that on the planet. By using it, you could forget how it feels to have your gums bleeding, toothaches, and unpleasant breath.

Many years ago, I had awful toothaches and no medication could help me.
I asked angels for help and I received a recipe in spiritual transfer.  The problem was gone after very first day.

Every single patient with that problem, who received that miracle recipe from me, got healed. Using that particular recipe I produce the toothpaste I mentioned before.

I do not have enough time and resources for mass production of that product, but I can resell that recipe to people who will be willing to make that toothpaste for self purposes.         

3. Use only a disinfected toothbrush to clean your teeth. Do not use any other miracle devises to brush your teeth because they can only damage your gums. 

Menstruation pains

During menstruation, cross vertebras get loosen. Vertebras are pressing the nerves causing aches. To stop the pain, it is advised to lay on your stomach and put my photograph to the lower cross vertebras of the back. 

Obviously, you should put it also over your ovaries and uterus. It is also healing when you sit on the photograph.


A significant percentage of people suffering from schizophrenia, are actually possessed.  It is a very serious and difficult problem but, I can proudly say that I was able to heal 90% of my patients suffering from that problem.

That affliction is karma, which means that it is a punishment for all the sins, mostly for prostitution, in previous lives. In cases where the possession is not that serious, my photograph may help.  However, when we talk of significant number of evil ghosts, I have to take such cases individually.


My photograph makes miracles. It is common that the person, who honestly wants to get rid of all addictions, will be healed. There, however, are some obligations that must accompany the prayer to the Lord. 

It is very important that the addict stop socializing with negative persons and does not have anything to do with any type of vulgarity. It is necessary to learn how to say NO, in which my photograph may be very helpful.

Cancers and AIDS

These also are serious problems, but there is also the possibility to get help. My technique of healing can help in many cases, including stopping the formation or development of carcinogenic cells. The healing in these cases depends on:

1. The main cause of illness. It may be malnourishment, negative radiation in the house, living in a poisoned environment, karma, or a curse. Also, it can be just a test for your soul because we all have to go through the course of tests of different kinds.
2. Faith in God
3. Illness advancement. That means, if the disease is greatly advanced, there is practically too little time to regenerate an already destroyed body. 4. Clear-headedness and your heart for healing.


In the case of taking medications, it is advised to pay attention to your body. You cannot rapidly relinquish taking medications. Using the healing hat, drinking divine water, and bathing in water with divine energy, (read below about the healing benefits of using my photography), usually reduce the demand for medication.

Then, you can slowly reduce the doses of medications you take. You can do so under the supervision of a doctor, if that makes you more comfortable.

Poor effects?

Poor effects are possible for people with a very weighted conscience/soul. There is only one way to help such a person-the Active Spiritual Way. Better results with the Healing Board will be obtained, when also doing the Active Spiritual Way - meditation, although do not do both at the same time.

The Healing Board removes tiredness and has an impact on good mood when used before sleep. The water, prepared on the healing board, is great to drink while traveling because it removes tiredness, (it is not recommended to drink too much of it, especially when driving or working with machinery, as it may cause dizziness).

I produced the water with divine energy Queen of Water and Queen of Water Bio-multi in the beginning of 90’s. Consumers of that water informed me about miracles that were happening after drinking it.

Dying animals recaptured their health, elder people replaced their medication with my water and felt great after that. There were cases when after pouring only one glass of that water into the bathtub, people felt like they were affected with such energy, that they were unable to go out from the bathtub.

Alcoholics also drunk my water and got healed. The water with divine energy gained from my healing boards cannot be, by any means, an object of trade. I, however, am open to cooperation with honest people who are dealing with all kinds of farming, and would be interested in using my water with divine energy, in their productions.


Jozef’s Healing Board cannot be used by persons that do not believe in reincarnation and/or spiritual healing, (nonetheless, it will not hurt to get to know the truth and to stop living in darkness). I recommend two books written in automatic writing: Mary’s Message to the world, written by Annie Kirkwood and Karma & Reincarnation, written by Ishwar C. Sharma.

The second book I just mentioned has been written based on the spiritual transition of the famous American visionary, Edgar Cayce. I discourage reading books of Donald Neale Walsh, called Conversations with God and others, because this writer has spiritual transfers (channeling) not from God, but from Mr. S. 

People from the left cannot use my healing method. People considered ones from the left are sexual deviants, including lesbians, prostitutes, gays, monks that have broken the oath of living in celibacy, people whose souls belong to Satan, and those who are thieves, swindlers, murderers, etc.

Vulgar people also should not buy my healing photography.  The exemptions, from above, consist of those people who are ready for radical transit to the right side right now, not later. Attention! It does not include people whose souls are damned because there is not any chance of helping those.

A little history

Since 1994 I have been producing healing boards for my patients, which are in the size of standard paper. The healing factor is a photograph of my hands, which is programmed for the period of 2 years. Patients have informed me of the miracle affect they experience while using those boards.

Often times, animals are also being healed, by using my boards.
I myself witnessed the healing of a sick cat by using the photograph of my hands. I like animals very much, and they love me too. I have opened the doors of my home for sick cats many times in my life. They always invite me for delivery of their kittens. That is why I have helped in raising many cute cats during the past years.

One of many of that kind of situations happened in 2001. One day, in spring, a beautiful spotted cat asked me to let her into my house. After few days, my friend noticed that the cat was pregnant.

Sweetie, which was cat’s name, laid on the photograph of my hands, from the very first day. She did it until she delivered the little kittens. She used to do that all day long. Also, she loved to drink water from my healing board.

Noticing that delivery was coming, I prepared a special place for the new family. I experienced true affection while she was delivering the little kitties. That evening, she was sitting next to me on the couch as usual. 

Suddenly, she got up and gave me a kiss on my lips. After few seconds, she was the mother of the first kitty. It was not a good place for that, so I asked her to go to place I had prepared earlier. She did so.
Delivery did not take a lot of time and so she gave birth to 5 cats. The kiss she gave me was a big surprise for me, especially since I do not let animals kiss me.

The reason for that is the dangerous diseases that are distributed by animals, like zoonosis that may be caused by prion, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, viruses: SARS, Ebola virus disease, rabies, tick-origin Encephalomyelitis, cold sore, and influenza.

Equally dangerous are rickettsia and Chlamydia that cause bird flu, ehrilichioza, and Q fever. Also, bacteria may be contracted from animals that causes the following diseases: cat-scratch disease, plague, anthrax, borreliosis, brucellosis, colibacillosis animal-origin tuberculosis, leptospirosis ( Weil’s disease, muddy fever), listeriosis, glanders, rubella, and Tularemia.

All the information listed above should be a warning for those who have foolish ideas as far as kissing and sleeping with animals. The common reasons of miscarriages are animal-origin bacteria. I let Sweetie to kiss me just this one time because it was her way of thanking me.

After giving birth, Sweetie spent every minute she had to heal herself by lying on my photograph.  After a few weeks, her kids surprised me when they healed themselves, by sitting with their mom on the photograph. Unfortunately, they did not have that much respect toward that photograph as their mom.

The kitties grew up to be very intelligent and they went out to live in the forest next to my house, near Channel Lake in Illinois, USA.

Sweetie did not forget about me. She came back to me when she was pregnant again. This time, she had only four little kitties.  

This is only one of many authentic examples I can tell about. There also were cases when cats of my patients came to me after they were knocked down by a car, and by doing so, they saved their lives.

The healing photography of my hands you can get only by mail, or through my website
 Attention! Refund is possible for persons who will not get God’s permission for healing.

It happens because the true you is hidden deep inside and is invisible on the outside. In those cases, I refund the full amount, minus my minimum costs of $20.00. 

The programming of the photography is made individually, and preprogramming is unprofitable. In case you want to return the photograph, please cut it into four pieces and sends it to my address. Warning! Copying of that photograph is strictly prohibited, (it is programmed against theft). 

Price of healing photography: $150.00
Activity period: 2 years. 

Note: For this type of healing, every person must have first receive three healings from distant.

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