Abortion-who is right?

 In the late 90’s I received a spiritual message from God who explained the question to me:

“Jozef, abortion is intentional murder, although not every abortion is a sin. Sometimes I personally advise women to have abortion, and not only in such cases as when a mother and her several children starve or when a mother of several children can die during the next childbirth. Usually it is young souls that have abortion and that is their experience …”

n my work I met a lot of women who had a great dilemma what to do with their pregnancies. I want to describe one particular case:

In 1999, in a late evening, I was asked to see a very young woman in a very serious situation. When she came it turned out that she was six months pregnant and in a very bad psychical condition. During our conversation I asked her if she felt secure being pregnant. She nodded but she was surprised by my question. I offered her to ask Angels during spiritual transmission what was happening with her child.

After several minutes I got such a message: “Jozef, her anxiety is caused by the fear of her child because the souls of “that one” removed the soul of her child from its body. They want to change the souls and give her their rascal. Leave everything you are doing now and act quickly because you have only 30 minutes left to do something. You have to find the soul in the spiritual world, purify it and put safely into the child’s body. Give it the Seal of God as  protection.

I did my job and the patient started feeling much better. However, as usual after some intervention, I asked Angels to repeat the message – to learn the effects and ask for some hints for the woman. After a while I got the next answer: 
“Jozef, you have done your work perfectly, as usual. Tell the woman that she will give birth to a beautiful girl and she should name her Mary …”,

After four months she gave birth to a beautiful girl, as it was said, and gave her the name Mary as a second name. The fact is a proof that if she had not met me and I had not solved the problem, she would have worried about committing or not committing abortion. In that case, if she had committed the abortion, it wouldn’t have been a sin.

Pregnancy resulting from rape or existing in some other difficult life circumstances is a similar case. Giving birth to a child and placing for adoption is  also a great responsibility. And the decision about her and her baby’s life should be made only by a mother, not by politicians, clergymen or some other strangers.

This God’s Rule concerns all living creatures without any exceptions, and religious leaders should not interfere with it. It should be taken into consideration that the consequences of a mother’s decision will influence her present and future life. Yes, next incarnations too, because it is not true that we live just once. There is a lot of evidence for incarnations – even some scientists proved that (more about incarnations in my next article).

Some consequences of illegal abortion:

For an injured  person it is: 

  • Destruction of a planned life which was accepted by God: 
  • Step backwards in spiritual development. 
  • Creation of a new karma. 

For an offender: 

  • Step backwards in spiritual development.
  • Creation of a new, negative karma. 

The person who commits the murder has to compensate the harmed spirits in this and future lives. More intelligent spirits want to do it quickly and, therefore, choose severe punishment for themselves. Below you can find some examples of penalty for illegal abortion:

  • Genital organ cancer.
  • Breast cancer. 
  • Schizophrenia. 
  • Mother’s or child’s death during delivery. 
  • Problems with becoming pregnant. 
  • Sterility 
  • Miscarriages. 
  • Problems with carrying a baby to full term. 
  • Early death of a child in various circumstances. 
  • Great difficulties in upbringing. 
  • Unhealthy baby is born. 

Certainly, all people taking part in committing the murder can expect such consequences in their lives. 

I want to stress here that all the people who directly or indirectly are involved in the act of committing or not committing abortion are responsible for it – politicians, priests, doctors, family and the others who advise a pregnant woman. All of them, the same as the mother, will be judged for that by God's Tribunal.
The questions is-how to deal with the matter of abortion?

1. Politicians should stop using the issue for their own careers. 

2. Governments should definitely and completely introduce separation of Church and State.

3. Government of every country should establish the Ministry of Family Planning Education which would prepare exhaustive materials for schools and families. The information would make youth realize the responsibility they bear for a wrong decision about abortion. 

4. A mother should make the final decision concerning abortion by herself. She should sign an appropriate document without any pressure from outside (she has to let her conscience be her guide). 


We all know that “priests” threaten women using contraceptives with a sin. Do they have a right to do it when depravity in churches and monasteries has reached its peak? First, they should judge themselves. But is there anyone there who has clear conscience and, therefore, can do that?

People often forget about one of the most basic principles – if you want to judge someone, you should be clean by yourself. Since when have sexual perverts been a good example for the Right? I know from God that nowadays there are about 34% of perverts living on our planet. Isn't it scary? 

Yet, contraception is PERMITTED according to God's Law. Even using intra-uterine devices is not a crime. By the way, I want to inform that synthetic hormone therapies are carcinogenic. They cause mainly: genital organ cancers, breast and blood cancer.

Summing it up: in the case of abortion both, supporters and opponents, are partially right. I, however, bearing full responsibility for what I say, represent a golden rule – in accordance with God's Law.

Abortion Who Is Right?
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