Active Spiritual Way
Active spiritual way (ASW) is a meditation, created by me, that is recorded on CD. It is an authentic Spiritual way. This CD contains a few classical music pieces of the greatest compositors.

All you need is to just find a couple of hours for yourself, to sit down in a comfortable chair, and simply listen to that amazing music. Obviously, it is obligatory to do some mental work, with the meditation, and physically improve your character.

The description for the Active Spiritual Way and some unbelievable experiences of my students are described on 56 pages of typescript. With my meditation, (it has nothing to do with Hinduism or any other religion), about 50% of my students experience authentic meetings with the Holy Family. 

Do you want to find the true way to God, without fraudulent proxies? Do you want to start real spiritual studies? Get interested in the  Active Spiritual Way, which I have created.

Spiritual transfer from Ministrantum (1997)

The Prayer

Every person has its own unique style that should be found. The least proper method of praying is forcing the new generation to pray according to the methods of the old generation (saying "Heavenly Father").

It is good for old generation and all people, with the exception of a few mean women, pray correctly, with an open heart.
 The new generation learns from family traditions, it doesn't understand and separates itself from that type of praying. It happens because the new generation doesn't have the proper connection with God, through own heart and conscience. The most suitable way of praying is "meditation".

Unfortunately a lot of people are afraid of this term thinking that this is the way that only exceptional people of parapsychology can pray, or people from out of this world.

Meditation means only to calm your mind, to summarize all things that you have done so far, to honestly admit your own mistakes, and to plan the future.

You should treat God as your best friend, in whom you can confide all your secrets.
 You can ask God for help and advice. You should realize that God will never turn His back on you. We shouldn't look up with fear because He is someone sacred and unreachable. It is wrong to think that God has no time for us.
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